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Using Future Automation and Nexus21 to hide technology.

Conceal items in your home which are normally obtrusive to the eye.

Future Automation is an internationally established engineering company based in Britain and North America, specializing in mechanisms that conceal and reveal displays in modern smart homes, commercial spaces, and marine applications. Their unique product range has been developed to combine functionality with quality engineering and aesthetic appeal.

They design and manufacture a comprehensive range of lift mechanisms, wall mounts, projector mounts and drops, moving panel mechanisms, ceiling mounts and drops, and floor / table mounts that can be integrated into AV installations. As well as being the market leader in display mounting solutions, our in-house design team offers bespoke creations for more complex projects. This empowers integrators with a greater flexibility when designing spaces as rooms can now be sculpted to specifically fulfil client requirements.

Clean lines enhance the look and flow or a room. Unfortunately, today’s bulky technology can disrupt the “wow” factor of any luxurious space. With hidden home technology, your client can showcase a sleek living space with the ability to transform a room in a matter of seconds.

Through hidden home technology from Nexus 21, you can take everyday items such as a flat-screen television or even a kitchen appliance and have it appear quickly and quietly from any space – creating a home experience that’s both aesthetic and functional. With the ability to use a pop-up or drop-down design as well as the convenience to accommodate an array of shapes and sizes, Nexus 21 can harmonize the elements of any room thanks to the functionality of hidden home technology.